
Home and Place Podcast

Home and Place Podcast: creating cross-discipline conversations about aging and the importance of place.


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Welcome to Home and Place Podcast,
I’m so glad you are here!

This is an interdisciplinary podcast all about aging and the importance of place, hosted by environmental gerontologist Nichole Kain.

Episodes have paused, but I hope you enjoy the archived interviews.

Season 1, Episode 4 - Access To Nature Part 2

In this episode we're continuing the conversation with Dr Susan Rodiek, associate professor in the department of architecture at Texas A&M University and faculty fellow at the Center for Health Facilities and Design. You are listening to Part 2 of my 2 part discussion about the importance of access to nature for older adults. You can find Part 1 on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or right here on the website!

In this episode you’ll hear specific recommendations for outdoor seating choices, nuances of accessible doors, and we’ll talk more about the educational video series she created (Access To Nature: Planning Outdoor Spaces for Aging). I’ve watched them and have learned so much! If you're interested in purchasing the 3 DVD set, use the code "homeandplace" to be part of the Spring Sale! This DVD series is perfect for gerontologists, senior care facility decision-makers, architects, and interior designers.

After we wrap up our conversation, I’ll take over the mic and dig a little deeper into an assessment tool that was mentioned over the course of our interview. The SOS Tool, or the Seniors Outdoor Survey, which is thought to be the only instrument on this topic with psychometric data available.

Be sure to visit the Access To Nature website to try out the SOS Tool for yourself and play some interactive games...build a bench, build a door, placing trees and walking paths!

Photographs from www.accesstonature.org

Photographs from www.accesstonature.org


Nichole Kain

Occupational Therapy + Gerontology + CAPS

About the host: Nichole is a universal design and aging-in-place consultant, her work is based in solid research and guided by a deep appreciation for the power of place and importance of personal choice. 

To connect, collaborate, or just learn more about Nichole and her work, please visit: www.homeandplaceproject.com 

Want to be social? You can also find Nichole on InstagramFacebook, and LinkedIn

Nichole Kain